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Introducing Alice Threat Intelligence

The global app security company, Licel, announced the arrival of their latest product this week. In a world of ever-changing threats to app security, Alice paints a detailed picture of the day-to-day security risks that apps face.

One of the side effects of covid-19 has been a hike in the number of sophisticated cyber attacks. Hackers have looked to exploit people’s reliance on guidance from authorities.

And 2020 has also seen apps take on even greater importance in an increasingly-remote world. The combination of these two trends means that robust app security is as vital as it’s ever been. But as Licel CEO Ivan Kinash explains, there’s also a growing desire from businesses to understand what the most dangerous cyber threats are.

“App protection products such as our own, DexProtector, do a fine job of protecting apps from bad actors. But this year we’ve also seen an increase in demand for a sophisticated, real-time platform that allows businesses to respond to attacks quickly. For some companies, their app is now their most important asset. And as such, it’s crucial for them to know how the threat landscape around that app is evolving.”

Licel has been testing Alice with existing clients for the past six months. Key benefits that those businesses have cited include:

  • An easy-to-use dashboard that charts attacks by both time and region
  • The ability to quickly find any incident - even those with complex search conditions
  • API integrations that let them take action against specific threats
  • Simple, zero-cost integration for apps already using DexProtector

“One of our goals with Alice was to demystify the risks to app security”, says Licel CTO Mikhail Dudarev. “People tend to have an image in their mind of the hacker as a mysterious character. Someone who is as invincible as they are invisible. But that isn’t the case at all. By shining a light on the threat landscape, Alice empowers businesses to take control of their cybersecurity. Its easy-to-use interface allows them to quickly find and act on specific attack incidents. And then they can then use these incidents to create a robust risk analysis.”