
Healthcare app protection.

App security to safeguard medical records and reputations.

Healthcare app protection Healthcare app protection

Protect your sensitive keys and patient data.

Data protection in healthcare is vital. Most end users simply assume that this is a given, but the healthcare industry has been under a deluge of cyber attacks since the COVID pandemic began. In part this is because bad actors see the sector as a sitting duck. But they also see how valuable it is; stolen medical records can sell for over $1,000 on the dark web.

The stakes are dangerously high. Millions of patient records have been stolen in recent years alongside scores of sensitive keys and medical app IP. And in the healthcare industry, attacks can even put people’s lives at risk; that’s why healthcare app protection is so important.

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Comply with 
industry regulations.

While the healthcare sector is some way behind other industries when it comes to setting a security posture, government regulations are arriving to give it a push. Our products help you to achieve full compliance with the regulations below.

  • MHRA Guidelines
  • NHS Digital Standards and Guidelines

Secure healthcare data with four interconnected layers of smart protection.

  • Code and resource hardening

    The act of obfuscating, encrypting, virtualizing, and isolating your app’s code and resources.

  • Secure runtime environment

    RASP checks to make sure your app isn't exposed to harmful threats in its environment.

  • Secure network communications

    SSL pinning and certificate transparency to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.

  • Application integrity

    Dynamic cryptographic key calculations at runtime stop your app from working if it has been tampered with.



DexProtector is a mobile app protection pioneer. It shields Android and iOS apps and SDKs from a range of attacks that can ruin hard-fought reputations. Simple to integrate and made to make developers’ lives easier, you can rely on DexProtector for healthcare app security.

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Stringer Java Obfuscator

Stringer Java Obfuscator

Stringer Java Obfuscator provides deep-rooted Java code protection for standalone, desktop, and enterprise apps. Designed to stop tampering and reverse engineering attempts, Stringer is a vital tool for data protection in healthcare.

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Get attack data for all 
your reporting needs.

Regulations are emerging in the healthcare sector that require you to share mobile attack data to be compliant. And this has been an issue for some organizations as their mobile app has been a bit of a blind spot from a security perspective. Alice Threat Intelligence can help. Its clear charts and graphs give you full visibility of your app’s threat landscape.


Protect confidential medical data from reverse engineering attempts.

Every day millions of people around the world rely on healthcare apps to track their progress or to speak with their doctor. As they do so, they assume that their healthcare data and medical records are completely safe.

But not all healthcare applications are protected against reverse engineering. Attackers can target those that aren’t with decompilation and modification attempts. Or they can carry out dynamic instrumentation at runtime. By doing either they can learn how the app works and even steal IP and confidential user medical data.

Our products use code hardening - obfuscation, encryption, and virtualization - to stop decompiling, stealing, and modifying. And RASP checks prevent dynamic instrumentation at runtime by spotting dangerous threats in your app’s environment.

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Protect your healthcare app and prove you care about patient wellbeing in the digital world.

A guide to mobile application protection

Attacks against mobile apps are getting more dangerous. To defend against them you need to know how and why attackers target them and what you can do to stop them succeeding.

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The state of mobile app security report

In recent years our mobile phone usage has evolved dramatically. We’re asking more and more of everyday mobile apps, but are they as secure as we need them to be?

read report