
Automotive app protection.

App security that safeguards drivers, vehicles, and your intellectual property.

Future-proofed protection for a fast-changing sector.

The automotive industry has had to evolve to adapt to the digital world. Applications now do a lot of the heavy lifting and are constantly transmitting sensitive data. This shift has unsurprisingly attracted the interest of bad actors who are looking to exploit vulnerabilities and steal this data.

Our application security solutions enable you to embrace the exciting future of the automotive industry without fear. Sophisticated protection mechanisms keep your apps (and their users) safe from dangerous attacks, while also securing sensitive IP.

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Setting a course for compliance.

Regulations in the automotive sector increasingly mandate data security, making application protection an essential component of compliance. Our security solutions make certification easier and faster to attain.

  • NIST
  • PSD2

Secure app and customer data with four interconnected layers of smart protection.

  • Code and resource hardening

    The act of obfuscating, encrypting, virtualizing, and isolating your app’s code and resources.

  • Secure runtime environment

    RASP checks to make sure your app isn't exposed to harmful threats in its environment.

  • Secure network communications

    SSL pinning and certificate transparency to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.

  • Application integrity

    Dynamic cryptographic key calculations at runtime stop your app from working if it has been tampered with.



DexProtector is a mobile app protection pioneer. It shields Android and iOS apps and SDKs from a range of attacks that can ruin hard-fought reputations. Simple to integrate and made to make developers' lives easier, you can rely on DexProtector to secure your automotive application.

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Stringer Java Obfuscator

Stringer Java Obfuscator

Stringer Java Obfuscator provides deep-rooted Java code protection for standalone, desktop, and enterprise apps. It is designed to stop tampering and reverse engineering attempts, making it the ideal solution for stopping attackers modifying or intercepting sensitive data and credentials.

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Get attack data for all 
your reporting needs.

Alice gives you a clear view of the security threats in your app's environment. As the dashboard to DexProtector's trusted sensor, it displays easy-to-understand graphs and charts about suspicious activity and attacks that DexProtector has thwarted. And all in the moment, as it happens.


Secure your sensitive IP and proprietary algorithms.

Car manufacturers invest heavily in software development and product innovations. It’s vital that this IP (alongside proprietary algorithms and sensitive user data) is protected against network interception attacks.

Our app protection products come with SSL pinning and Certificate Transparency to stop man-in-the-middle attacks. And obfuscation, encryption, and virtualization techniques turn your app’s sensitive source code into encrypted containers that attackers can’t reverse engineer.

These robust security features also safeguard sensitive connected-car data like GPS locations and driver behavior. They tamper proof over-the-air software updates. And they protect autonomous vehicle software.

Security breaches can have serious safety consequences. Protect your application today.

A guide to mobile application protection

Attacks against mobile apps are getting more dangerous. To defend against them you need to know how and why attackers target them and what you can do to stop them succeeding.

read guide

The state of mobile app security report

In recent years our mobile phone usage has evolved dramatically. We’re asking more and more of everyday mobile apps, but are they as secure as we need them to be?

read report